No More Burnout: Proven Methods to Reduce Stress Working in Logistics

Working in logistics often feels like juggling fire…blindfolded. Between managing clients, coordinating with carriers, and solving problems on the fly, stress becomes a constant. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right strategies, you can regain control, lower your stress levels, and ensure you stay ahead of the game. Below are some things I have adopted to make sure that I can keep my cortisol low and my stress levels in check.

1. Plan Your Week

While surprises and unforeseen issues will inevitably come up, you can still predict and structure parts of your week. I like to spend my Sunday mornings with a coffee, mapping out my upcoming week. This not only helps me tackle daily tasks but also keeps bigger projects on track. Having a rough roadmap keeps my stress levels down, even when unexpected issues pop up.

2. Track Your Time

Years ago, a manager suggested that I track my time for a couple of weeks to figure out where it was all going. That exercise revealed patterns—downtime, busy periods, and recurring issues. Once I saw how my time was being eaten up, it was easier to make adjustments. I found the lulls and recognized when I could fit in focused work or even take breaks (gasp!).

3. Address Root Issues

After identifying patterns in the challenges I faced, I could tackle the root causes. Instead of just putting out fires, I shifted my approach to proactively solving issues. Sometimes that meant taking steps in my own work ahead of time; other times, it meant having informed discussions with clients about changes that should be made elsewhere in the supply chain.

4. Block Time for Focus

From my time-tracking experiment, I also discovered when I was least busy. I started using these moments to block off time for meetings or deep-focus work. Setting aside specific chunks of time for uninterrupted work made me more productive and reduced the feeling of constantly playing catch up.

5. Set Up Automations

Automation is your friend. Whether it’s automating emails or social media posts, there are countless tools that can save you time. Explore what’s out there and implement what makes sense for your workflow. Freeing up mental bandwidth through automation can also help alleviate unnecessary stressors.

6. Debrief Major Failures

This is a big one. It’s tempting to move on after putting out a fire, but taking time to debrief a major failure can prevent future stress. Look at every aspect of what went wrong and ask yourself, “Even if this wasn’t entirely my fault, could I have done something to prevent it?” There’s almost always something you can tweak to avoid the same problem in the future.

7. Manage Carrier and Customer Expectations

Under-promise and over-deliver. If you know loading might take longer than usual, let your carrier know ahead of time. If there’s bad weather in the mountains, suggest an extra day for transit and keep your customer informed. Managing expectations reduces last-minute surprises, which means fewer stressful situations for you.

8. Communicate Expectations to Avoid Problems

Clear communication is key to avoiding stress. Make sure both your customers and carriers know exactly what you expect. If you need tracking links from drivers, include that in your quote request and mention it in conversations. Similarly, ensure things like wait-time policies are crystal clear to shippers, both verbally and in writing.

9. Forget About CYA (Cover Your Ass)

That’s right—stop worrying about getting the blame. Instead of focusing on avoiding fault, concentrate on doing what’s best for the business, whether it’s yours, your customers’, or your carriers’. By shifting the focus to successful execution and away from cya, shipments are more successful and there are fewer issues to deal with. Revolutionary!

Working as a logistics broker doesn’t have to mean living with constant stress. By taking small, proactive steps, you can regain control of your time and workload. The key is staying ahead of the chaos, focusing on preventing issues rather than just reacting to them. By shifting your mindset away from simply avoiding blame to ensuring the best outcome for everyone involved, you’ll find that a lot of the daily pressure starts to ease. It’s about working smarter, being more intentional, and giving yourself the space to succeed—without the stress. Email stressing you out? Grab some tips here.


Series: Gorgeous Girls In Supply Chain


Series: Gorgeous Girls In Supply Chain