Series: Gorgeous Girls In Supply Chain

Welcome to our series celebrating the incredible women in Supply Chain and Logistics! In a traditionally male-dominated field, it's important to shine a light on the inspiring women who are making a significant impact. Through a mix of insightful and fun questions, we’ll explore their journeys, challenges, and successes. While we acknowledge the contributions of everyone in this industry, this series aims to elevate the voices and stories of women who often get missed. Next up: Shimmi Munson


Meet Shimmi, a logistics powerhouse with a unique journey from massage therapy to mastering the freight world. With over 13 years of experience, she's embraced her inner logistics nerd, tackling everything from LTL to FTL with enthusiasm and expertise. Shimmi excels in load management, tariff negotiations, and cost-cutting, all while delivering exceptional service to both customers and carriers. Shimmi uses her platform to discuss her unique approach to logistics. Known for her quick problem-solving skills and a delightful collection of puns, she's dedicated to building strong partnerships and ensuring everyone wins in the logistics game.

  1. What is your current role and company?

    • Business Development and Executive Account Manager for STI - Strategic Transport Inc.

  2. How did you end up in the world of supply chain?

    • By accident! I started out doing a favour for a friend and then fibbed on my resume a little to get another position with another company. Then ended up here as a temp for 6 weeks but was hired on very quickly to manage one of their largest accounts. I've been here for over 10 years now.

  3. What is your favourite part of your work day?

    • My first cup of coffee...AAAAND I love being able to work with people that I consider family. Not just the people at my company, but the carriers and customers that I have built relationships with over the years. One of my carriers calls me "Sis." The trust and the relationships that we have help us all continue to be successful. I actually enjoy the dumpster fire issues that come out of nowhere in the industry and thrive on the chaos of logistics. Solving problems can be exhilarating! I throw on some 90s rap, raise my desk to stand up or pace and I get the problem solved however I need to!

  4. What is the least favourite part of your work day?

    • When the coffee runs out...or when I fail a customer. I take it personal when I fail a customer.

  5. What is a systemic issue in your part of the supply chain that concerns you currently?

    • The unpredictable and sometimes volatile economy. Changes happen so quickly and have such a widespread impact on the industry. Unfair rates and false or immoral brokers who underbid or contribute to the quick decimation of companies.

  6. How would you address it if you had the power, money, or influence?

    • I'd take all my freight friends and form a badass Freight Fighting Squad and destroy all of the scammers and scum!

  7. What is one piece of advice you have for young women entering your field?

    • Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Always be open to learning something new because this industry changes so much, you can never stop learning! Do not discredit those with less experience because someone else always has more experience in at least one thing that you do not, embrace that and learn from them and gift them some of your own knowledge. Always strive to do better and know more for yourself and for your company. Be sure that you are rooting for those around you and build a network of support from the get go, because chances are, you will have a lot of those relationships for a very long time or maybe even the entirety of your career. Focus on your mental health and know when to take a break, DO NOT LOSE YOURSELF. YOU are your greatest asset!

  8. What are your top 3 podcasts? (do not have to be industry related)

  9. Who are your top 5 women in supply chain to follow on LinkedIn?

  10. How do you deal with creeps you encounter in your work day?

    • Call them out or ignore them generally. If not necessarily creepy but maybe expressing interest, tell them that I am not interested or available and I'd like to maintain a professional relationship only. If straight up creepy, call them out and/or block them.

  11. What is your favourite way to unwind?

    • Car dancing and singing absurdly loud on the way home from work (if I am not on a work call)..get home to my Tiny Heathen and spend time together... then open wine or whiskey once I can sit down.

  12. What have you recently changed your mind about?

    • SO many things... but mostly who to keep in my professional and personal circles. Not everyone wants to see you succeed...but keep in mind there are more people who DO want to watch you and push you to succeed than you think!

  13. 5 must haves to get you thru the day?

    • Coffee

    • Music

    • Some organized chaos. Problem solving gives me life!

    • Many many jokes AND sarcastic comments or the F Word (I apologize for nothing!)

    • My freight friends who understand both my highs and my lows

Social media for Shimmi



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