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Understanding Back-order and Out-of-Stock: What Businesses Need to Know
One thing that is agreed on for the success of a business is inventory management, however, there is a lot that goes into inventory management, two of them being back-orders and out-of-stock. Let’s look at these two scenarios, what they mean, the difference between the two, how they affect a business and tips on how to manage them effectively.
How to Save the Trucking Industry From Grind Culture
In the last post, we looked at how the grind culture, that has taken root in the trucking industry, affects people on a personal level, in this 2nd part of a 3 part series we will look at the trucking industry’s culture and how grind and hustle came about, why it sucks and a possible way forward.
Leave the Grind Behind - Redefining Personal Success in Logistics
Welcome to the world of “grind culture” in the transportation industry, where the hustle is glorified, Red Bull is a food group, and personal sacrifice is worn like a badge of honour. In the transportation industry, there are so many posts on social media about people who are “working” 14-hour days, 7 days a week. People are giving up sleep and rest, all in the name of the grind. This grind can cause adverse effects in three key areas: personally, culturally, and the business overall. In this 3 part series, we will explore all three, starting with the personal effects. Let’s delve into what the grind looks like and how it affects individuals on a personal level.